Research Groups
GREDI emerged in 1992 at the Faculty of Pedagogy of the University of Barcelona with the central theme of Intercultural Education as the core of its work. The lines of research are interculturality and social cohesion, participation, gender, methodologies and epistemologies for transformative research. |
Cibersomosaguas is a consolidated research group of the UCM that develops applied research and advice on social, technological and organizational aspects. It functions as a centre for the development of research in cooperation with other groups and state and international organizations. |
The SIMReF is a multidisciplinary and inter-university seminar that was born in 2008 within the GREDI group participating in the line of Methodologies and Epistemologies for transformative research. Step by step it is configured as a stable space for reflection, training and criticism around feminist research methodologies. |
The JovenTIC group is an interuniversity research group formed by researchers from the URV (Tarragona), the UAB and the UOC, its main objective is the study of practices around the use, appropriation and consumption, that young people do of the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) |
Calidad de Vida e Inclusión Social (Deusto INTERVENTION) |
Deusto INTERVENTION is recognized by the Basque Government as an A team – excellent for the 2019-2021 triennium (IT-1220-19). Its research is aimed at social impact through the generation of scientific knowledge aimed at the processes of intervention, support and empowerment of people to improve the quality of life and the participation and construction of active citizenship. |
Teknokultura addresses the growing role of technology in communication and social mobilization contexts through critical lenses. It addresses the complex ways in which technology and the new social media, as systems of meaning, restructure social, economic, political, and cultural life. |
Discourse Unit operates as a cross-institutional collaborative centre with a variety of research projects that contribute to the development of radical theory and practice. The term “discourse” is used in a hermeneutical and critical structuralist sense and includes research influenced by feminism and psychoanalysis. |
The Barcelona Science and Technology Studies Group (STS-b) is dedicated to the study of innovation processes and the role of technoscience in contemporary forms of social action. It is a consolidated research group of the UAB and the UOC. |
FIT is a consolidated group recognized by the Basque Government, whose lines of research are: (1) Processes of inequality and social exclusion in the current political and economic situation (2) Equality policies and feminist policies in different areas (3) Emotions, body policies and practices and reformulation of identities (4) Review of different theoretical and methodological perspectives. |